If you want a smaller one for your MacBook or, the way I use my store-bought unit most, as a bedside mousepad, they're cheap or you can make your own. When it comes project time, though, I'd rather not mar my lap desk, my desk-desk, or my kitchen table, and I can always use more surface area.
In the way that projects beget projects, resurfacing some thrift-store furniture with contact paper inspired me to put together this beauty:

Here's the underside:
The foam came with some computer equipment and works great, being just pliant enough to be comfortable in the lap while providing a stable foundation.
If you don't have these exact materials on hand, consider what you do have. To me, DIY is all about re-purposing and improvisation, not drawing up a blueprint and driving to Big Box Hardware or Ikea. This beast has come in handy for half a dozen projects, plus serving standard lap desk duty when its petite, prettier counterpart is in another room.